Thursday, November 3, 2011

Working at Home: Realistic Goals & Outcomes

When I began to work from home, I was introduced to a rude awakening. I realized that in most positions, I would have to hold back my own taxes and that most clients do not pay you what you are worth (just in my experience). So, I found that setting income goals for myself was very challenging. My ideal income was roughly $1,000 a month. That money would barely cover my bills, but I knew that was what I needed to make to stay a float.
I have to be honest – still to this day I am sometimes confused when trying to make an income goal for myself and I’ve found that daily goals left me feeling pretty crummy at the end of the day. Starting this month, I am implanting a new goal structure for myself. I have set a monthly and weekly goal. Since I would like to make $1,000/month, I figured that I needed to bring in $250 each week. It’s a bit scary thinking of such a big number, when before I had a reasonable number to work with when I was setting daily goals; however, I really feel like this going to work for me.
Here are some strategies I am going to be doing in order to succeed my goal:
  • Utilizing – If you have never been to this site, it is amazing! It’s an online calendar service, but it offers so much more. Ideally, it is for those who run a busy home schedule with kids, sports and events. It allows you to easily insert things, upload photos, color adjust certain events and so much more. What I had done was printed off this month’s calendar (which I absolutely love how it printed! Most sites give you a plain looking calendar, but this one is lively!). At the end of each week, I wrote: /$250. Above the slash, I plan to input my actual income amount.
  • I’m not going to set myself up to fail any longer! I am such a procrastinator that it isn’t even funny. I have my good days where I can finish all I want to do and then my bad days …. Where I feel like a total failure. Well, I’m over that. I know what I need to do so that I don’t feel like a failure. I need to accomplish the work I have set out to do for each day and complete it. No ifs, ands or buts about it! I have a handy planner where I write down all the work I have that needs to be completed and in previous posts, I’ve talked about the use of a bulletin board. I haven’t been using mine as much as I should have because right now it’s acting as a barrier to my wires so my puppy doesn’t get back there. I’m going to pull it up and place it on my wall and write down my goals on that as well. I’m also in the mood for locating inspirational quotes to bring me out of the funk I have some days!
  • Properly managing my time & organzing! This is a big one for me. I can’t tell you how many times I will sit down at my desk ready to work yet find myself sitting here for hours doing mindless things. I am going to start using the timer on my phone to properly manage my time. I’m going to allow myself breaks and what have you, but from now on they are going to be timed.
I think my biggest problem is adjusting to this whole scene. Working at home is as tough as working outside the home and over the last few months, I have really felt that. I need to start acting as if I am actually working, regardless of the negative comments I receive about “not doing anything all day.”
So, who’s with me? Are you ready for a change this month? What do you want to make? I believe in the power of encouraging others, so please leave a comment explaining your goal or what you would like to change this month about your work at home routine. Together we can help each other and become stronger!
UPDATE 10/1/11 – I may need to increase my monthly goal. I recently found out that my boyfriend and I are getting kicked out of our house. We currently rent off his Uncle and for some reason, he failed to let us know he promised this house to his mother-in-law in about, oh 2 MONTHS! This is my 5th time moving in 4 years … I’m getting pretty tired of it. But, I won’t let it lessen my spirits and I shall work harder on my goals to succeed!

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